Monday, July 26, 2010

He rolls!

Garrett rolled over for the first time this week. It actually started the night before we actually *saw* him do it. We heard him breathing heavy in his crib and when we went over to check on him, low and behold, he was laying face down on his tummy. The next morning Garrett was laying on our bed while I was pumping and right before my very eyes, the boy rolled. And there's been no turning back. He seems to love the motion of rolling, but the problem is that as soon as he gets on his tummy, he face plants into the mattress and promptly has a meltdown. So, he likes rolling, but not where he gets to when he rolls. This has been particularly difficult at bedtime and during the night. Our sweet Garrett is no longer the peaceful quiet sleeper that he once was. He insists on rolling in his sleep - so we are up several times a night turning him back to his back. Sometimes he'll go back to sleep, sometimes he's too awake and needs to be nursed. As disruptive as this new *activity* is, I have to admit, I am one proud mama!

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