Friday, July 2, 2010


I was driving home from Target this past week and was stopped at a red light. And realized I was being swallowed by a somewhat strange feeling. It's been there for a few weeks now, and I've been feeling it somewhat constantly, like this little tugging feeling - I know it's there, but just go on about my business. So today, as I drove home with a trunk full of size 2 Up&Up diapers, a jumbo box of Pampers sensitive skin wipes and sundries for our big trip east - I decided to examine this *feeling* a little closer. And you know what I came up with? I am happy. I am blissfully basking in the glory of new motherhood. A mom that loves her babe. But it's more than that. I love my life. I love my husband, I love my puppy, I love my house, I love my family and friends. I love that it's summer. I love living in a city with so much to do. I don't know how - but I feel like having Garrett has brought so much love to my life. I see things more lovingly. I want to love. I choose to see more good in people than bad. I choose to get along with Mike and give him the benefit of the doubt rather than pick. I choose to understand friends who might not have as much time to stay in touch as I'd like. I look at what we do have and don't focus on what we don't. I feel this increible feeling of gratitude. To God, to my parents, to Mike and to myself. I like this happiness. I want this for my son. I want this to be his environment.

I may not feel like this every day forever, but now that I've pinpointed what this feeling is - I embrace it. I like having it around. I think it's here to stay.

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